Please review some of our most frequently asked questions!
Q: Do you provide mats?
A: Yes, we do. We offer free Manduka Pro mats and cork blocks, plus all of the other props you need.
Q: Are your classes appropriate for beginners?
A: Yes! All of our classes are open to beginning students. We ask that you arrive 10 minutes early and set up your mat in the back row facing the windows so that you can follow along most easily. Our style of class is fluid and dynamic, and we include at least one flow moving on the breath in each class, so there may be moments when you want to rest in a childs pose - no problem at all. We know you’ll get the hang of it and find yourself hooked before too long. In the meantime, if we are offering a Brand New Beginners Series, usually twice per year, that is the very best place to start. We also have a new student special: 3 classes for $45 to be used in two weeks, only available if you’ve never been the studio before.
Q: Is this hot yoga?
A: No. Our classes are heated to a comfortable degree when it’s cold outside and cooled just enough with AC when it’s hot outside. We aim to create a temperature that allows you to sweat without feeling overheated or chilly.
Q: How early should I arrive for class?
A: 10 minutes early is perfect. 5 minutes early is no problem, but you may not have the spot of your choice. If a class is full or nearly full, we cannot accept latecomers to class.
Q: Are your classes appropriate for pregnancy?
A: Yes! We welcome pregnant students at all stages in all of our classes. Every person and every pregnancy is different, so it will be up to you to decide when and if it no longer feels good to flow with us. For some, that’s between 5 and 6 months, though it is not uncommon for students to keep up with their regular practice in our classes until the baby is born. Please inform the teacher so that he or she can help you modify as needed.
Q: I left my mat in the studio. What do I do?
A: Please stop by the studio 10 minutes before any class as soon as you realize to pick it up. We do not have space to store mats in the studio, so they are often brought to the basement at the end of the night. If you cannot make it back that day, please come between 8:30 and 8:40 am on Saturday or 9:30 and 9:40 am on Sunday to have somebody from our desk take you downstairs to retrieve it. If you’ve left a water bottle or another small item, that will be in the small silver bin at the bottom of our shoe cubby until it is full and all must be brought downstairs.
Q: Are you hiring teachers or subs?
A: We are always interested in adding teachers with 3+ years of consistent creative Vinyasa group class experience to our team. We hold auditions for our sub list 1-2 times per year and require everyone to have taken a minimum of several classes with us to understand the sequencing and style. From our sub list, we promote to weekly classes. Our own teacher training graduates may be invited to audition after regularly teaching for 1-2 years. Teachers with 3+ years of group creative Vinyasa teaching experience should email a resume to, and we will contact you when we schedule our next audition.
Q: Do you have a desk staff work/study exchange program?
A: Yes, we do. We have 2.5 hour weekly shifts on Tuesday and Thursday early mornings before our 7 am and Saturday and Sunday morning shifts in exchange for an unlimited membership.
Q: Do class packages expire?
A: Yes. 5 class packages expire after 3 months from the date it is activated by attending the first class. 10 and 20 class cards expire after 6 months. The two week new student special expires 2 weeks from the date you purchase it. Please be sure that you can attend the 3 half price classes in those two weeks and note the expiration date on your receipt. You will need to sign up for the first class you want to attend first and the second two at later dates than the first.
Q: Are membership rates locked?
A: Yes! When we raise our monthly unlimited membership rates, we honor the rate you signed up at forever.
Q: Do you allow freezes to auto-renew memberships?
A: Yes, you can hold the billing for up to two month-long billing cycles per year. We can only freeze from one billing date to the next, either 2 consecutive months or 2 separate months per year.
Q: What kind of payment plan do you offer for the YTT tuition?
A: We allow students to split the balance into monthly installments with the last one paid on the 1st day of the month the training begins. So the more time to go, the more payments we can divide the cost into. ‘
Q: What is the best way to get more information about the teacher training program?
A: Please email the program director at to ask any questions or set up a phone chat and trial class.